Listening House Provides Legal Kiosk for Guests

A secondary, and perhaps less-considered impact of the COVID-19 pandemic was to create a crisis in the legal system, as people were unable to meet together face-to-face to address or negotiate any legal issues they may have been facing. The pandemic served to turn the legal system virtual, creating a digital divide that disproportionately impacted economically disadvantaged communities - those without ready access to digital and online communication technology.

To help address the issue, Minnesota created the Legal Kiosk Project.

Specifically,, the Minnesota Legal Services Coalition requested funding from the 2020 CARES Act to give communities access to civic justice. The project created a statewide network of over 250 Legal Kiosks stationed in a variety of court, agency, non-profit, and other community locations.

Legal Kiosks are simply computers where someone can apply for help through legal aid, search for legal resources, research legal issues, and attend online meetings or court hearings in private.

Listening House is excited to take part in the program, happy that we’re able to provide an additional service to our guests as we strive to help all community members gain equal access to civic justice.

Read more about Minnesota’s Legal Kiosks


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