Homelessness doesn’t end when the sun comes up.
Welcome to the “living room of the streets.” We are The Listening House, a daytime shelter for people experiencing poverty, homelessness, and loneliness. Anyone who drops in can find safety, a hot cup of coffee, and a caring community to help or just listen.
Get to Know Listening House!
Take a few minutes to get to know the people, programs, and activities currently at Listening House. Check out the list below and learn more!
Because our neighbors need us. Last year, over 4,873 sought support through us.
Our guests are typically folks experiencing homelessness, deep poverty, and/or isolation. Many experience multiple barriers to maintaining housing such as chronic physical and mental health conditions, and substance abuse disorder.
What We Do: Offer Radical Hospitality
We Offer Connection
Friendly Faces, Help with IDs & Birth Certificates, Phones, Mail, & WiFi
We Offer Safety & Comfort
Daytime Space to Rest, Snacks & Refreshments, & Lockers
We Offer Basic Hygiene
Showers, Fresh Clothes, Washers & Dryers, & Basic First Aid
Partners Provide Counseling
Mental & Chemical Health Counseling or Screening
Partners Provide Housing Connections
Housing Advocacy, Assessment, & Referrals
Partners Provide Veterans’ Assistance
Connections to Veterans Service Organizations
Partners Provide Medical Care
Vaccinations, General Check-ups, & Referrals to Specialists