Donate Items
In-kind contributions provide value by eliminating the need to purchase certain essential items we supply to all of our guests. Please note that our guests have very specific needs, and we cannot accept in-kind donations that are unneeded or inappropriate.
Our Current Needs
Please refer to the list below to see what items we need. You can make a purchase directly from that list and have it delivered straight to us, or bring like items directly to us by scheduling a drop-off using the form below.
Delivery Address
Listening House
421 E 7th St
St. Paul, MN 55101
Items We DO NOT Need
Kids’ clothes, men’s and women’s business wear, sandals, household, and miscellaneous items.
Urgent Need!
Men’s Coats: All Sizes
Men’s Underwear Sizes: All Sizes
Women’s Underwear - Sizes: 5, 6, 7, 8
Women’s Shoes: Sizes: 8, 9, 10
Sport Bras Sizes: Small, Medium
Men’s T-shirts Sizes: L, XL, XXL
Men’s Long-sleeve Shirts Sizes: L, XL, XXL
Men’s Sweatshirts Sizes: XL, XXL
Hoodies Sizes: M, L, XL, XXL
Sweats Sizes: L, XL, XXL
Men’s Jeans Waist Sizes 30, 32, 34
Men’s shoes: All Sizes
Bug Spray
How will you estimate the fair market value of my donation?
We are required to follow guidelines from the IRS regarding the estimation of the fair market value of goods, regardless of what you may have paid for the items in the first place.
For a good reference on what to expect the evaluation of your goods will be, please refer to the Bank Rate Value Guide. We will create our estimate based on the completeness of the description you give us in the scheduling form. If you have further questions or concerns, please contact us. Thank you!
Schedule a Drop-off
Thanks for your interest in supporting our guests. Please use the scheduling tool below to set up a drop-off time at your convenience.