More Ways to Give
In addition to in-kind and online giving, there are many other ways to support the guests who visit us each day. Explore your options below.
Please send checks payable to Listening House St. Paul to:
Listening House of St. Paul 421 E 7th, St. Paul, MN 55101
Please call 651.789.9983, and request Hugo Jr. Ochoa.
We accept Visa, MasterCard, or American Express.
Did you know that you can designate Listening House in your pledge to United Way? Simply enter our name and address (464 Maria Ave, St. Paul, MN 55106) on the form.
Make your gift in honor or memoriam online, or download our printable form (PDF), or use our online donation form.
Corporate partners are encouraged to contact Hugo Jr. Ochoa at hugojr@listeninghouse.org, or download and complete our giving form.
If you wish to make a stock donation please contact your stockbroker with the following information:
TD Ameritrade
Account # 885404636
Listening House’s Tax ID number: 36-3291367
To see if your business will match your gift to support our work, ask your HR representative, or use the Double the Donation search tool. After you’ve given your gift, notify your employer, or see if there’s a way to set up an automatic match via monthly withdrawal straight from your paycheck.
Making a gift in your will, known as a bequest, is a simple way to support the future of Listening House. A gift in your estate helps meet the needs of our guests who count on Listening House to be a refuge from the streets and the elements. Additionally, planned giving arrangements can also help you meet your financial goals by reducing your federal estate taxes. Your gift may take the form of a specific dollar amount or a percentage of your overall estate. Suggested bequest language: “I give and bequeath to Listening House of St. Paul, a not-for-profit, tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, located in St. Paul, Minnesota, % of my estate (or the sum of $ dollars).”
Any questions can be answered by Hugo Jr. Ochoa, Grants and Donations Coordinator at hugojr@listeninghouse.org.